Why do you need a reverse phone lookup service?If you need to find out the name and address of the owner of a cell phone/landline number and this number is not enlisted on public whitepages/phone books, then you will probably need a professional reverse phone lookup service. These services have got legal access to private databases of various cell phone operators, landline phone companies, etc. They compile & regularly update several databases from multiple companies in huge numbers such that it includes information about almost all of the phone numbers owned by people in the USA. This database includes the name, address and other such details associated with each individual land line numbers, unlisted numbers and mobile/cell phone numbers.These reverse cell phone lookup services in USA are bound by legal agreements with these phone companies which restrict them from distributing this information freely to protect privacy of customers. Hence lookup services usually require you to have a valid credit card/paypal account for registration. This ensures that their services cannot be used for illegal usage(like stalking,etc). Also the individual phone companies charge a fee for access to their databases in the first place, so these reverse lookup companies in turn try to make up some of their spending by requiring a nominal subscription fee from the end-users like you.Are there any free methods for doing reverse phone directory lookups?Basically, you could search for the phone number at places like public whitepages, search engines, name databases, social networks, etc. However these data could be somewhat inaccurate since anyone can create/modify them(as these are public databases). Also there is no guarantee that you will be able to find the specific phone number just because it may be unlisted. Nevertheless, if you have a lot of extra time then you might give this method a try.What kind of information could you get using professional reverse phone lookups?Almost all of these services provide a minimum of name and accurate address associated with each number you wish to find for. For more info, Check reverse phone lookup reviews

There are also some who give additional details like other members of the family, alternative phone numbers, etc.How to use a reverse phone address lookup service?Due to the nature of data, most companies will allow you to make a preliminary search of the cell phone/landline number and tell you whether they have accurate data for this number or not? If they say that they have information about the particular number you are looking for, they will ask you for a one-time subscription fee to give you an access permission. This fee is charged to prevent illegal access as mentioned earlier. Once you pay the fee, you will be able to use their reverse phone name lookup services instantly & make unlimited searches for about a year or so.What are the best reverse lookup companies?The quality of such services depends upon the comprehensiveness of data that they compile. Companies having small data may not be able to find information about your number. So its best to choose a company which has access over a very wide range of data from several phone companies. The subscription rates vary between $20-$50. Cheap ones don't have good data compared to higher priced ones which have huge data and they regularly update it to have precision. You have to make your own research before choosing a service. Alternatively you may visit reverse phone lookup review websites which compare various such services and help you in making a perfect decision safely.Is it legal to use these reverse lookup services?Yes, its completely legal to make use of these services provided you don't mishandle them such as for making telemarketing calls. However these services are completely safe for personal use such as finding lost contacts, complaining against annoying calls, finding out unknown numbers, spying on cheating husbands/wife,etc.  If you want to learn more,please click!         


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    May 2012



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